Project 2030 Logo

Do you want to be a part of something great? We are looking for your help to fund a meaningful project in Defiance County. What type of project will it be? We need your help to decide. The Defiance Area Foundation (DAF) has created Project 2030 to raise enough money in 10 years to build something we could only dream about today. Maybe it’s an ice-skating rink, amphitheater, or indoor playground?

As we draw closer to the year 2030, we will ask our community to submit
project ideas
, and then eligible donors can vote on the final project.

7 students from Defiance County who were picked as winners for the We Built This City Coloring and Essay Contest
Project 2030 Graph

Do you want to participate?

To be eligible to vote on the project, you can donate voting shares
Shares are $25 each and once you have 12 shares you are able to vote
on the final project!

Levels of participation:

1. Project 2030 Partner: Donate 1 share ($25) a month for 10 years or $3,000. The minimum commitment to be a Partner is a 60 share or $1,500 commitment over the 10 years to be eligible to be a part of a Project 2030 Committee or Officer position.

2. Project 2030 Affiliate: Donate at least 12 shares total to be considered an Affiliate and become eligible to vote on the final project.

More Ways to Give

Looking for another way to donate? Use our form and turn it in by mail, email or drop-off in person.
Goal to reach $500,000 by 2030
Committed Gifts 80%
Gifts Paid to Date 60%

Thank you to our Project 2030 Visionary Donors

"The Defiance Area Foundation plays a critical role in Defiance County.  Many times it serves as the primary liaison to philanthropic minded businesses and individuals, and local charitable organizations and initiatives. By combining our resources together, we can truly shape and transform the lives of future generations so they may have even greater opportunities than all of us before them."
Starner Family
Jeff & Mandi Starner Family
Project 2030 Visionary Donors
"Even though our children are grown with families of their own, we are fortunate to have 4 of our 7 grandsons and their parents growing up in this wonderful community we call home. We know that in six years, at the selection and celebration of Project 2030, generations to come will benefit by witnessing something really grand in our community!”
Wahl Family
Jack & Diane Wahl
Project 2030 Visionary Donors
"Giving back to Defiance County has always been important to us. Our families are from the area and we grew up enjoying everything Defiance County has to offer. We are excited about Project 2030 because the community will be able to suggest ideas for what project will be chosen to improve Defiance County. We believe that the project will help Defiance continue to grow and be a great place to raise families.
Stehulik Family
John & Abby Stehulak 
Project 2030 Partners