
We are a community of donors committed to making Defiance County a great place to live and call home. We provide a vehicle to serve the philanthropic goals and heritage of the donors of Defiance County through community collaboration, impactful grant making, and financial stewardship. Take a look at the scholarships below and reach out to us if you have any questions.

All applications are due March 31st, unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions, please email or call us at (419) 782-3130.

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All DHS students must apply for scholarships through the link on the Defiance High School Scholarship page.

Ann Melton Memorial Teacher Scholarship Fund

Ann was a beautiful soul who poured her heart and soul into teaching for 37 years.  She helped to shape the lives of countless students within the Defiance School System where she inspired students to exceed their own expectations.  Ann instilled in her students a belief in their own abilities and passion for success.  Her dedication and enthusiasm made her a beloved teacher, and her students flourished under her guidance.  In honor and memory of Ann’s contribution to lifelong learning and education, The Ann Melton Memorial Teacher Scholarship Fund has been established through The Defiance Area Foundation to benefit education majors at Defiance High School.  Ann had the following attributes, and we are hopeful that the applicant will also possess many of these traits:  Love for children, deep-rooted faith, passion for fitness and active lifestyle, devoted community advocate, loving spirit and strength, a positive attitude, and enthusiasm and passion for helping children learn.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Defiance High School
      • Must have achieved at least a B average in High School
      • Intend to graduate from College with a Bachelor’s Degree
      • Must be a K-12 education major
      • Preference will be given to qualified students who have the greatest financial need.
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.

Audrey Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was created by Brooklyn Graber, a 2020 Hicksville High School graduate, to honor Audrey Davis. Many people contributed to make this scholarship possible. Audrey Davis graduated from Hicksville High School in 2015 and was known for her positive attitude, her unique spirit, and her zest for life. Audrey passed away unexpectedly in December of 2018, but her memory will always live on. The purpose of this scholarship is to help a current Hicksville High School senior attend college in remembrance of Audrey while honoring her many outstanding and remarkable qualities. This scholarship award is $1,000.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Must be a Hicksville student
      • Must be a member of, or have participated in one (or more) of the following for a total of four years:
        • Cheerleading
        • National Honor Society
        • Drama Productions
    • This application must be typed and submitted to Mandy Wyman at with a copy of a college acceptance letter, an official transcript, a letter of recommendation, and an essay that is no longer than two pages. 

Ayersville Education Foundation Scholarship Funds

Funded through the Derge, Leuthold, McCord, McKibben, and Stevens Funds. Please contact Nancy McCann at for more information.

Ayersville Athletic Boosters Scholarship Fund

Please contact Nancy McCann at for more information.

Bonnie Burgbacher Trade School Scholarship Fund

Bonnie Burgbacher has a heart for education and helping children succeed.  She graduated from Fairview High School and attended Northwest State Community College.  She began her career at Spangler Candy Co. in 1963 and held various positions at the company in the Sales Department, retiring in 2020 with 57 years of service.  She has had many influences on her career, including her wonderful parents who instilled a strong work ethic. Bonnie established this trade-school scholarship in 2024 to encourage students who may have a special interest in a specific trade to follow their passions.  This will be a $1,000 scholarship awarded annually.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Central Local Schools
      • Must have achieved at least a 3.0 average in High School
      • Must be attending a vocational or technical school (two-year college) learning a specific trade (electrical, cosmetology, dental hygienist, etc.)
    • Preference will be given to students who have the greatest financial need. The scholarship recipient will be selected annually by the Defiance Area Foundation Scholarship Committee. The student will apply on the designated portal through Central Local Schools.

Cletus Vetter Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is given in loving memory of Cletus Vetter, a man who leaves a legacy of love and respect to not only his family but to the many people he selflessly gave himself to. He was a lifelong farmer who loved to nurture the soil and watch his crops grow. Great soil and water conservationists are not developed through academics alone, rather they are nurtured throughout their education and career building by conservation advocates who have traveled on before them. This college scholarship is meant to bring back into focus the vital necessity and passion for resource conservation by encouraging college- bound students to consider a career in conservation, natural resources, agriculture or a related field. The Defiance Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will award one $1,000 college scholarship to a resident/student of Defiance County.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Residents/students of Defiance County seeking a focus or career in conservation, natural resources, agricultural, or a related field.
      • Must be enrolled as a full-time student at a two-year or four-year accredited college, university or technical school.
      • APPLY NOW

Cody Rahe Scholarship Fund

Cody Rahe was a man that often put the needs of others before his own. This is how he became a Varsity Assistant Softball Coach at Fremont Ross High School. His wife, Megan, needed help and he volunteered. Cody gave 100% of himself to support his wife and support the athletes in the softball program in a positive fashion. Megan has established this fund to provide a financial opportunity to softball athletes that exhibit this attitude of selflessness/giving and plan to continue their education and/or training beyond high school. Scholarship amounts will vary based on fund availability and will be made payable directly to the college, university, institution or school of their choice. Preference will be given to qualified students who have the greatest financial need.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Fremont Ross High School
      • Are members of the Fremont Ross High School Softball Program
      • Have exhibited leadership qualities and an attitude that places a priority on the success of others.
      • Intend to graduate/complete a secondary program beyond High School
    • Applications should be mailed to Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third St., Defiance, OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31. Applications can also be emailed to by the deadline. 

Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce (DACC) Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. who realizes the importance of higher education. This non-renewable scholarship is awarded annually to be used for post-secondary education by providing a scholarship to eligible persons who will attend a qualified educational institution (all accredited institutions). The amount will be determined annually based on the fund balance and investment return. The scholarship will be payable directly to the college or university of the student’s choice. Eligible applicants include all chamber members in good standing, member’s employees, employee’s spouse, and employee’s dependents who are accepted at an accredited university or college pursuing a degree, certification or license. Contact The Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce for more information at

    • Applications should be received no later than March 31 to the Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce office located at 400 Clinton St., Defiance, OH 43512.
    • Applications can be mailed or submitted in person to the Chamber Office or may be emailed to

Defiance City Schools Scholarship Fund

Four scholarships available for Defiance High School Students. Please contact Thom Singer at with any questions. APPLY NOW

    • Claude W. Henkle Memorial Scholarship
      • Eligible Applicants:  Education Major in College
      • Amount varies year to year
      • Renewable Annually
      • Deadline: March 31
    • Marie Kauser Memorial Scholarship
      • Eligible Applicants:  Education Major in College
      • Amount varies year to year
      • Deadline: March 31
    • Ramon Marshall Memorial Scholarship
      • Eligible Applicants:  Education Major in College
      • $500 nonrenewable scholarship
      • Deadline: March 31
    • Jordan C. Shirey Soccer/DECA Scholarship
      • Eligible Applicants: Member of Boys’ Varsity soccer team or active in DECA
      • Up to $750 scholarship potential
      • Deadline: March 31

The Defiance College Scholarship Fund

The Defiance College Scholarship Fund was established by several community members and organizations to provide financial assistance for Defiance County high school seniors. This $1,000 non-renewable scholarship will be made payable directly to The Defiance College. Preference will be given to students that are not on an athletic scholarship.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from a Defiance County High School (or equivalent)
      • Must have achieved at least a B average in High School (GPA 3+)
      • Intend to graduate from College with a Bachelor’s Degree
    • The scholarship is non-refundable. This means that if a student is already receiving aid that would cover all tuition and fees, we would reduce other institutional aid rather than refund the scholarship. It may, however, be used for books, room, or board.
    • Applications should be mailed to The Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third St., Defiance, OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31.

Defiance High School Girls Tennis Scholarship Fund

Greg and Helen Reineke established this fund to promote girls’ tennis at Defiance High School and to provide financial to further their education in a field of their choice.  This scholarship will be made payable directly to the college or university.  Preference will be given to qualified students with the greatest financial need.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Participated in the sport of girls tennis a minimum of three years, lettering a minimum of two years
      • Achieving a 3.0 or better GPA for their four years of high school
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.

Defiance Metal Products Scholarship Fund

DMP Scholarships are offered annually to employee’s children or dependents.  Scholarships are available to all divisions.  Scholarship awards will be divided equally among all qualified applicants, with the minimum scholarship amount of $100.00. This scholarship is non-renewable.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Have graduated from a public high school or obtained their G.E.D.
      • Are a child or dependent of a DMP employee
      • Are continuing on as a full-time first year student at an accredited university or college pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
    • Contact Jodie Mohr at Defiance Metal Products for more information at

Election Ambassadors Scholarship Fund

Rod and Tonya Wichman established this fund to reach voters at an early age and educate them on their opportunities. The goal is to encourage more juniors and seniors to work at the polls, get involved in the election process, and provide a better understanding of election systems. The applicant will work with the board of elections during the next upcoming Primary Election by helping with set up, being a poll worker or helping election night with returns as well as assist in student voter registration with an already engaged teacher at their high school. The ambassador will also assist the Board of Elections in recruiting student poll workers.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Junior or Senior from a Public High School in Defiance County
      • Must be in good standing at their high school
      • Intend to graduate from College with a Bachelor’s Degree, Associate’s Degree, or from a Vocational or Trade School
    • Applications should be mailed to Tonya Wichman at 1690 Woodhurst Dr. Defiance OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31

Erica J. Strausbaugh Scholarship Fund

The Strausbaugh Family established a scholarship fund in 2018 in memory of their daughter Erica. Erica graduated from Tinora High School in 1997. She always had an interest and love of baking. In 1998 she attended Culinary Arts School at The Disney Institute and met and became connected with Johnson and Wales University.  This launched her desire to attend that University and she graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2001. Tragically, she passed away less than three weeks after her graduation. An award of $1,000 will be awarded annually. There is a $500 renewable scholarship for the second year. This scholarship is awarded annually.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Graduate from High School in Defiance County or Four County Vocational School
      • Age 25 years old or younger
      • Intends to graduate with a Degree in Culinary Arts, Food Science, or Hospitality.
    • Send the completed application to: Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third St., Defiance, OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31. Applications can also be emailed to by the deadline. 

Fairview Football Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by a group of Fairview Alumni athletic supporters. This non-renewable scholarship is awarded annually, amount varies, for a senior varsity football player that is going on to college. The amount is determined annually based on the fund balance and investment return and payable directly to the college or university of the student’s choice.

    • Eligible applicants:
      • Senior varsity football player
      • Accepted to College

Fairview Schools Fund

The Fairview Schools Fund offers scholarships annually to a senior(s) who will be graduating from Fairview High School.

    • Eligible applicants will be reviewed for GPA, essay, work experience, extracurricular activities, and community service.
    • Can be awarded up to $1,000.

Goller Family Scholarship Fund

Generations of Goller family members, including siblings Betty Goller Zelent and Dalton Goller, lived in, farmed in, went to school and church in, raised families in, taught in and were married in Ney, Ohio. New generations of their descendants from all corners of the United States have come together to establish this fund to honor their legacy of hard work, community service, family, faith and commitment to education. Our hope is that the beneficiaries of this scholarship will, like our ancestors, use the transformative opportunity of higher education to build lives of meaning and purpose, whether in Defiance County or around our nation and world.

This $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to one Defiance County resident, is non-renewable, and will be paid directly to the college or university.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Graduating this year from any public high school in Defiance County (or has graduated within the past four years)
      • Acceptance and intent to study at an accredited four-year college to obtain a Bachelor’s degree or technical/community college program to obtain an Associate’s degree or licensed professional credential
      • Evidence of academic achievement, either through GPA of 3.0 or above or a letter from your guidance counselor affirming your perseverance and academic engagement if cumulative high school GPA is below 3.0
      • Evidence of strong work ethic and strength of character, such as engagement and leadership in community service and/or faith-based activities; employment after-school and in the summer; employment or work in family business or farm.
    • Applications should be mailed to Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third St., Defiance, OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31. Applications can also be emailed to by the deadline. 

Kurt W. and Mary G. Kampe Scholarship Fund

Kurt W. and Mary G. Kampe established a scholarship in 2023 to encourage students to attend college or a trade school and to provide financial assistance to further their education in a field of their choice. This $1,000 scholarship will be made payable directly to the trade school, college or university of their choice.  Preference will be given to qualified students who have a financial need.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Defiance High School
      • Have demonstrated financial need
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.

Lisa Yoder Scholarship Fund

Lisa Yoder encouraged higher education. This fund, established through a trust in her name and maintained by the Defiance Area Foundation, is in memory of Lisa. The scholarship will be payable directly to the college or university of the student’s choice. This non-renewable scholarship is awarded annually. The amount is determined annually based on the fund balance and investment return and payable directly to the college or university of the student’s choice.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Have graduated from a public high school
      • Attended St. Michaels Ridge Catholic Church Defiance, Ohio as a member at the time of application
      • And are continuing on as a full-time first year student at an accredited university or college pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree.
    • Completed applications should be mailed to Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third Street, Defiance, OH. 43512 will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31 or emailed to before the due date.

Melton Family First Generation Scholarship Fund

Terry and Ann Melton established this fund to provide an opportunity for first-generation college students to attend college and to provide financial assistance to further education in a field of their choice.  This $1,000 scholarship will be made payable directly to the college or university of their choice.  Preference will be given to qualified students who have the greatest financial need.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Defiance High School
      • Are the first generation in their family that intends to graduate from college (their biological parents – or adoptive parents, if adopted did not graduate from a four-year college)
      • Must have achieved at least a B average in High School
      • Intend to graduate from College with a Bachelor’s Degree
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.

Northeastern Local Schools Scholarship Fund

Community Members from the Northeastern Local School District recognize the importance of higher education. These supporters have established the Northeastern Local Schools Scholarship Fund to benefit Tinora High School students furthering their education. This $1,000 non–renewable scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who meets the following eligibility criteria:

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Will graduate from Tinora High School
      • Must have achieved at least a 3.0 average G.P.A. in High School
      • Must be full-time and pursuing a post-secondary education (degree or certification)
      • Emphasis will be placed on school activities, community involvement and work experience
    • The scholarship applications will be reviewed annually by the Northeastern Local Schools Scholarship Committee and recommended to the Defiance Area Foundation for final selection. Complete the attached form by March 31st and drop off to the Superintendent’s office or mail to the office at Northeastern Local Schools 5855 Domersville Road, Defiance, Ohio 43512. Must be postmarked by March 31st. 

Richard and Emmajean Stork Scholarship Fund

Residents of Defiance, Ohio and graduates of Defiance High School, Richard and Emmajean understood the importance of the relatively new medical field of radiology and by this gift desire to provide financial assistance to fellow Defiance High School Alumns who are pursuing a career in radiology. This award is intended to be used only for primraily tuition and will be paid directly to the college or university. This scholarship may be renewable but will be reviewed annually.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Defiance High School Senior or graduate within the last 10 years of school
      • Intent to study:
        • radiology technology
        • medical laboratory technology
        • physicians specializing in post graduate radiology
        • allied health sciences/ medically related areas
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.

Virginia Lenhart Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Virginia Vaughn Lenhart Scholarship is a $1000 award to be given to a graduating senior of Defiance High School who strives for academic excellence and is poised to make a positive impact in their future. A beloved educator and lifelong Defiance resident, Virginia Vaughn Lenhart (DHS Class of ‘39) believed dearly in the power and the gift of education. She was proud to receive her college degree in Education from Bowling Green State University and used it to assist others as a teacher and tutor throughout her lifetime. She believed in academic excellence, for which this scholarship is to be awarded.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Defiance High School graduating senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher in all four years of High School
      • Will graduate near the top 20% (or 10%) of their senior class
      • Intend to graduate from College with a Bachelor’s Degree
    • Application must be submitted by March 31.
    • APPLY NOW 

Women’s Giving Circle Scholarship Fund

The Women’s Giving Circle Scholarship Fund was established to provide an opportunity for personal growth for a female in Defiance County to further her education. This scholarship will be a minimum of $1,000 and made payable directly to the college or university of her choice. Preference will be given to qualified students who have the greatest financial need. This scholarship may be renewable for eligible applicants.

    • Eligible Applicants:
      • Applicant must have graduated from a Defiance County High School or been a resident of Defiance County for two or more years
      • Will attend either The Defiance College or Northwest State Community College
      • Will be a non-traditional female student age 20 or older
      • First preference will be given to a student taking a minimum of six credit hours per semester
      • Any Major is eligible
    • Applications should be mailed to Defiance Area Foundation, 613 West Third St., Defiance, OH. 43512. Applications will be accepted with a postmark no later than March 31. Applications can also be emailed to by the deadline.